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September 2021
What do you love most
about Crestone?


Jay Weidner

     National Geographic did a survey all over the world for the quietest places on Earth. And they determined that the Great Sand Dunes National Park was the quietest place on Earth, and we're only about four or 5 miles as the crow flies away from the quietest place on Earth. So therefore, my favorite thing about Crestone is the quiet.


Paulette Repp

     The things I love most about Crestone are the community gatherings, the people, the food, the music, and *especially* the dancing.


Jodi Tucker

     I love the familiar faces, even when we meet for the first time.


Faith Archeia

     I'm really loving the growing sense of community that's really starting to blossom more and more. That's beautiful. And I love that it's such a beautiful place to raise children, as well, compared to other cities.


Benny Roman

     What I love the most about Crestone is that everywhere else you would go is not at all like Crestone. And thank God for that.


Sharron Rose

     The silence, the stillness and the spaciousness, as well as the wonderful community. The people *really, really* care about each other. And during these very strange, shifting times, it has been really a place of refuge.


Nisa Kerr

     I love that we have access to fresh, drinkable water from the source.


Isaline Simms

     Mostly, I love the grandeur and beauty of these mountains. The way the light plays every day with shadow and the clouds and the manifestation of lions and portals and just beauty. So, it helps my heart get into a place of unconditional love and beauty no matter what's going on.


Keith Conway

     I like that it's beautiful. I like the freedom to build what you want. The people. And all the aliens here. What I like about Crestone is it's the exact opposite of where I grew up!


Scott Stevens

     Crestone has enough space to be myself.

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